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Grab our FREE Printable Craft Pack!
Teachers Guide + XL Object Craftt
Kids Craft (Color and B+W)
Kids Memory Verse
Kids Word Search
Kids Coloring Pages
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Whether you've got one or four little kids at home or a whole class of 'em on Sunday — our crafts are a click away. Enter your name + email under any craft on our site and we'll email you the BLACK + WHITE printable to download. Press print. Easy peasy.
Ahh, good ‘ol scissors and paste – that's all you need to make our crafts. We know you juggle a lot + we don't wanna add to your plate. We want to make learning Bible stories easy + fun for your little ones.
We’re here to point kids to Jesus because He transforms us! We design + create our printable crafts to be Bible-centered. Every single craft is made to teach a Biblical truth. We know we’ve succeeded in creating a craft when it points back to Jesus.
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